Which Drake and Josh character are you? find out NOW!

This Quiz is about who you have the same personality, as in Drake and Josh, all you have to do is answer some Questions PS BE HONEST OR YOU WONT GET THE REAL ANSWER!

Please enjoy!

Created by: Thomas
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you hate someone you...
  2. If you have a Crush on somebody you...
  3. At school your considerd the...
  4. The amount of girl/boy friends a year a about...
  5. You are mostly interested in...
  6. On weekends I like to...
  7. What I think of school.
  8. My favourite TV show is...
  9. After Homework I like to...
  10. What would you say your personality is?

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Quiz topic: Which Drake and Josh character am I? find out NOW!