Which color are you most like?

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Have you ever wondered what is your color? Is this really a legit quiz? Am I a legit? Is understanding the behavior of some people like smelling the color 9??? Then take this quiz for a random reason!

Are YOU even a color? An I even a color? Am I even making sense? Will you even dare to take this quiz? Am I not legit? Screw it, SKITTLE POWER!!!!!!!

Created by: Skittles@lolsy
  1. What is your favorite color? (Continues to next question)
  2. (Continued). What I your favorite color?
  3. Favorite candy
  4. Do you like waffles?
  5. Do you get angry easily?
  6. The duck walks up to the lemon-aid stand said to the man running the stand....
  7. Htsghzzhfxfjxyfufxyxtyrxuff;7ffgufzhr
  8. 1-10 rate your skittles stash?
  9. If you have a skittles stash you should give it to me
  10. How was the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which color am I most like?