Which clan are you in?

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Hello other people! Take this quiz to see witch clan you are in. After taking this quiz find out if what role you have in your clan! Thanks! . . . . .

About the maker of this quiz.Hello my real name is ******** and my spirit animal is a cat. I have wrote a fan fiction on google docks. I have read as many books as I can.

Created by: Eclipsestar of Find out your role in your clan.
(your link here more info)
  1. When faced with a problem, what do you do?
  2. What clan do you want to be in?
  3. How do you feel about the person you hate the most?
  4. When do you want to die?
  5. qADEC,n mj,gt5k8i=[-pl'.
  6. How many series have you read?
  7. Choose a prefix for your name
  8. Choose a suffix for your name
  9. How much do you like this quiz so far?
  10. If you have taken a role in clan quiz already, what did you get?

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Quiz topic: Which clan am I in?
