Which "Cirque du Freak" character are you ?

Throughout the Sage of Darren Shan , there are many interesting characters; from ones that you love to hate to ones that you adore! From grumpy orange-haired ones to mysterious ones ...

Have you ever wondered which character you are ? If so , you have came to the right quiz ! You might be the excact opposite of the one you want to be , however it is still worth a go !

Created by: Flamee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are in a situation where one of your most feared enemies is going to die , however your closest friend has to die also. What do you do ?
  2. You want the vampaneze and the vampires to:
  3. You want to ... people.
  4. You like...
  5. You hate...
  6. If you were an animal/insect/whatever , you'd be ...
  7. Are you good with the opposite gender (or whatevers gender/s you're attracted to) ?
  8. What's your favorite colour ?
  9. If soy blood existed , would you drink it ?
  10. You prefer to sleep ...

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Quiz topic: Which "Cirque du Freak" character am I ?