Which Christian Denomination?

A quiz without deep theological questions to determine which Christian denomination lines up with your current understanding.Note there are some things we are assuming in this quiz. If you find that one or more of these points are absolutely opposed to your faith, you may have difficulty finding a Christian group in agreement with you.

(1) God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are all rightly called God, yet there is only one God, as deduced from the Scriptures and declared in the Tradition. (2) Sin is a universal human problem, and the wages of sin is death. (3) Jesus is God with us, for God became a man so that we may know Him. (4) According to the plan of God before the foundations of the earth, Jesus Christ was crucified to atone for the sin of all humanity, out of love for all humans. (5) Jesus Christ rose again from the dead in glory, so that we may know with confidence that He is Lord and Savior, and that His way leads to everlasting life. (6) There will come a time when God will judge both the living and the dead. (7) Baptism and communion are essential parts of the Christian church.

Created by: Hyreon
  1. We are saved by faith alone.
  2. Baptism saves.
  3. What is the church?
  4. The Bible has more authority than the church.
  5. The belief and practice of the early church is important.
  6. Religious experience is more important than reason.
  7. We do not choose God, and we cannot choose God. God chooses us.
  8. Miraculous spiritual gifts, like prophesy, speaking in tongues, and healing continue today.
  9. Jesus Christ's body and blood is truly present in the communion elements.
  10. How many things are worth dividing over?

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