which character from Emily Windsnap are you?

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Emily Windsnap is a series by Liz Kessler. it is about a girl who finds out that she's a semi-mer, half human half mermaid! you meets different friends . . . and dangers.

what character are you from Emily Windsnap? Are you Emily herself? are you Emily's best friend, Shona? Are you Emily's "boyfriend" Aaron? are you her mother or father? find out here!

Created by: Kay

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you a mermaid/merman?
  2. you are swimming and all of a sudden, you're captured in a net! what do you do?
  3. whats your life story?
  4. if your going on a vacation, and if you had only one thing to bring, what would you bring?
  5. what's your goal?
  6. do you like school?
  7. do you like old stuff (old paintings, chess, checkers, etc.) or new stuff (video games, jewelry, etc.)
  8. which, out of these, are you most likely?
  9. which, out of these, seems more painful?
  10. who do you hope to get?

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Quiz topic: Which character from Emily Windsnap am I?