Which Celeb is Your Guy?

Who Is your celeb Ideal guy? Well This quiz has true facts about each and every one of the celebs.Which will tell you the truth about you ideal guy. This quiz consists of true facts that will lead to you future and destiny in marriage and dating.

Find out what kind of guy your really attracted to. With true facts that will lead to your destiny.But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: Neela
  1. Where is your ideal date?
  2. Which is your favorite movie?
  3. Favorite Place in the summer to go:
  4. Whats your favorite color?
  5. Whats the style you want to see in a guy?
  6. Favorite Thing:
  7. Favorite food:
  8. Your charmed by:
  9. You hate when:
  10. You love:

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Quiz topic: Which Celeb is my Guy?