Which Canterbury Tales Pilgrim Are You?

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Find out which Canterbury Tales pilgrim you would have been back in the the late fourteenth century. You might find yourself the Pardoner, Miller, Squire, Knight or Prioress.

This was created for my World Literature class. I have put a lot of time and thought into this, trying to make the questions relative to today and to the late 14th century, good luck!

Created by: Bettysue
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you are at a bar....
  2. Which of these colors best suit you?
  3. If you were a vehicle which one would you be?
  4. Which would you prefer?
  5. Which is your favorite movie?
  6. When approaching a yellow light do you..
  7. Children....
  8. If you found something valuable that belonged to someone else would you try to find the owner?
  9. When you were in grade school and an answer came to your mind you...
  10. Which do you consider yourself?

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Quiz topic: Which Canterbury Tales Pilgrim am I?