Which Canterbury pilgrim are you?

The Canterbury Tales is full of exciting characters who create a unique atmosphere and set of stories. By taking this quiz you can see where your inner-self would lay and might be surprised by the outcome.

Which Pilgrim are you? Dare to find out? Are you the knight in shining armor, maybe the ugly and frightening summoner? Are you seductive with your talents, or do you just like the enjoyment of seducing young women?

Created by: Stephanie Brown
  1. What is your talent/hobby?
  2. You are....
  3. You are normally found...
  4. People would describe you as...
  5. In the middle of the night you hear someone in distress, you.....
  6. In a relationship you...
  7. Your favorite movies are...
  8. You like to read...
  9. If you were an animal you would be...
  10. Of the following, which is your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Which Canterbury pilgrim am I?