Which Butter To Choose For Your Body

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Take this quiz to see which Hairizon body butter is perfect for you! Our Shea, Mango, Avocado, Aloe and Hemp are all made 100% natural and handmade. Your answers will provide the best butter just for you.

Please be aware that you may be able to mix butters as well. Just in case we recommend Mango Butter but you already love Shea Butter. Try them in a personalized blend on our website.

Created by: Hairizon
  1. How old are you?
  2. Are you:
  3. Do you have dry, normal or oily skin?
  4. Before applying moisturizer, my skin feels dry:
  5. Do you have any of the following?
  6. What are your primary skin concern(s)?
  7. What are your thoughts on Shea Butter on your body?
  8. Sometimes natural butters have a slightly nutty scent, how do you feel about it?
  9. Are you allergic to any of the below ingredients?
  10. I have light or dark areas that do not match the tone on the rest of my body

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Quiz topic: Which Butter To Choose For my Body
