Which Bunny/Rabbit Should You Get?

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Have you been thinking of getting a rabbit or bunny. Well then try this quiz I mean why not I was in the same problem as you looking for a bunny but there all just calling for you.

Do YOU want a bunny that will fulfill your every bunny dream well look further if you want but this quiz will give you a pretty good lookout on which bunny you get.

Created by: Anthony
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do will you treat Your bunny?
  2. Where do You want to keep your Rabbit.
  3. How do you want your bunny to act?
  4. Will you play with your Rabbit?
  5. Do you want your bunny to be energetic?
  6. What will you do if your rabbit bites you?
  7. Do you want a shy rabbit?
  8. How will your bunny get Exercise?
  9. How much research?
  10. How big?
  11. What colour?

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Quiz topic: Which Bunny/Rabbit should I Get?