Which brooklyn 99 character are you

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Do you love brooklyn 99 and never found a quiz to see what character you are then you have come to the right place scroll down to see what brooklyn 99 character you are.

Are you a risk taker, do you keep your room tidy, Do you never stop eating, are you never out the kitchen, are you always watching die hard, have you always wandered what brooklyn 99 character you are well you have come to the right place.

Created by: Pippa Thomas
  1. Do you have a tidy room?
  2. How big are your meals?
  3. How much time do you spend on your phone?
  4. How often do you bake?
  5. Do you want to own a motorbike?
  6. What is your favourite smell.
  7. What is your favourite film
  8. What would you call your dog?
  9. What's your favourite food
  10. How often do you show your soft side

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Quiz topic: Which brooklyn 99 character am I
