Which boo are you?

Want to know which boo you are? Well take this quiz and find out!!! Well, Yeah, So take it and enjoy. Take it and ENJOY!!! Have fun, and tell me which one you are, no matter which boo you are, you're still really awsome and fun. I'm sick of writing this stupid paragraph but this website is forcing me to, and I am pretty tired so yeah, you can just skip reading this dumb, rediculous, stuff.

You may be Sara, or Angie, or Mare, or Mike... WHO KNOWS?!?!? But once you find out, youll know which boo you are and who your propably most likely to be friends with and enjoy their company!!! Go read a book, and then youll understand life! Hangout with all of these boo's cause their all awsome to hangout with and chill so yummm!!!

Created by: Mare
  1. How do you wear your eyeliner?
  2. Wha extracurricular activities do you do?
  3. How well do you do in school?
  4. Favorite food?
  5. What is your music taste?
  6. Whats your Religion?
  7. Whats your hair type?
  8. What is your heritage?
  9. Do you drink and do drugs?
  10. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which boo am I?