Which Bioshock Character Are You?

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This quiz is the in-depth character connection. I have compiled a few of Rapture's best and brightest to see who you connect with. Are you the good or the wicked?

The Bioshock character quiz will tell you exactly who you resemble in the world of Rapture. I am a hardcore fan of the games so I know a lot about the characters and this is how I will connect you to them.

Created by: Justin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What matters most to you?
  2. When you see a hobo on the street asking for money you...
  3. What job appeals to you most?
  4. In your ideal world what do you see?
  5. How would you describe yourself?
  6. In your spare time you like to...
  7. Where in Rapture would you spend most of your time?
  8. What plasmid would you use the most?
  9. When faced with a Big Daddy you?
  10. Will you rate and comment my quiz? :)

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Quiz topic: Which Bioshock Character am I?