Which beanie boo are you

This quiz is about which beanie boo you are . Every result is great! The answers are based on personality and all other questions in this spectacular quiz!

If you think you are ready to take my quiz...GO FOR IT !!!!! This quiz is made purely for fun every beanie boo is rare and ᏩᎡᎬᎪᎢ!! I hope you enjoy taking my quiz !

Created by: Emily
  1. What's your fav colour?
  2. What's your Fav animal
  3. Where would you live?
  4. What's your fav subject at school
  5. Another animal
  6. Which sounds the cutest?
  7. Which is your fav
  8. What's your fav food?
  9. Are you enjoying this quiz?
  10. Who do you want?

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Quiz topic: Which beanie boo am I