Which Animal from Creatures of Sonaria are you? P:2

this is a continuation of the last quiz I made, I hope you enjoy it! sorry for any grammar, spelling, or confusion. I'm not the best when it comes to those things

the questions at the start will be fairly simple and will progress to become more complicated at the end, this quiz is purely for fun so you don't have to take it too seriously

Created by: XunluBao
  1. Your favorite color
  2. your element?
  3. your ideal environment?
  4. your preferable diet
  5. your pack size
  6. picture this, you are alone and an apex predator has caught your scent, you..
  7. picture this, you spot an intruder in your territory, you...
  8. picture this, you are hiding in a cave and something big and predatory is trying to get in, you...
  9. picture this, somebody destroys your nest, you...
  10. fight or flight?

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Quiz topic: Which Animal from Creatures of Sonaria am I? P:2

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