Which animal are you? (Sky's quiz)

(The pictures at the end do NOT belong to me! They belong to there rightful owners!) The animal kingdom is a huge and wonderful place! This is the quiz that will help you find your place in it. Or, just a good way to spend some of your time.

Which animal could you be? Could it walk, run, swim, or fly? finding these answers are a CINCH! Take this quiz, find your animal, and see the similarities!

Created by: SkyTheQuizMaker
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite time of day?
  3. What is your favorite transportation mode?
  4. What is your favorite activity when it rains?
  5. You must talk in front of a group. What fits you?
  6. There is on piece of your favorite food left. What do you do?
  7. What is your strong-suit?
  8. You love:
  9. (Lakes, ponds, swimming) Rivers are:
  10. When a person falls, you:

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Quiz topic: Which animal am I? (Sky's quiz)