Which Afton likes you? +Noah, Henry, And Nighmare.

Have you ever wondered what Afton likes you? This quiz will tell you. I hope you get the Afton that you want! If you think the quiz is bad sorry. This is the first quiz I've made so sorry if it's bad.

By the way my name is Brooklyn but please just don't use that name for me please use Noah. Please and thank you! Have fun taking the quiz! Hope you like the results! Bye for now!

Created by: Brooklyn (Noah)
  1. Which Afton is your favorite?
  2. What is your fav color? Chris: Can I ask the next question? Me: Idk maybe. Chris: Ok..
  3. Chris: Oh I have a question! Ok so are you scared of lots of things? Me: Wow great question. Chris: Oh whatever. Micheal: Please guys!
  4. Me: Noah ask a question. Noah: Ok whatever, uh do you support LGBTQ+?
  5. Michael: Ok my turn. What's your opinion about me?
  6. Who do you wanna get?.
  7. How many friends do you have? Nightmare: Woww depressing. Me: Oh shut up.
  8. Elizabeth: Ooo I have a question! Me: Fine what is it. Elizabeth: Ok so what's your favorite food!?
  9. William: How many enemies do you have?
  10. Henry: Do you like lots of color? Nightmare: Ew color is kind of boring. Henry: Oh shush.
  11. Nightmare: Ok my turn. Do you have trouble sleeping? Chris: Really?...
  12. Do you have siblings? :7
  13. Noah: OOO Do you like horror movies!!??
  14. Noah: Have you summoned a demon before?
  15. Alright I hope you enjoyed this quiz! Bye.!

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