When will i get my period??!!

Some girls are dying to know when their periods will be, for two reasons. Some dread it, some cant wait, but either way it is good to be prepared.!!!!

Take a few minutes to finally get an estimate on when the big day for you girls will be! It may not be 100% accurate, but its just an estimate. So you can know when to be ready!!

Created by: Pedalynn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How much do you want your period?
  2. How old are you?
  3. How much older/ younger was your mom when she got it?
  4. Pubic hair? (Down there)
  5. Do you have armpit hair?
  6. Do you have cramps?
  7. How much do u weigh?
  8. Whats your bra size( sorry but it makes a difference)?
  9. Do you like guys?
  10. Do you have discharge? (White or clear goo in undies)

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