Whats YOUR Personality In Brief? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Whats YOUR Personality In Brief?

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  • Nice quiz! I got Outgoing :) Kinda like me I suppose... Anyway will you please try this quiz about How You See Life And Others? Thanks, the link is down here...

    http://w ww.gotoquiz.com/how _do_you_see_life_an d_others

  • Sporty

    You just LOVE sports! Sports are like your life! :P You get really close to those that you participate in sports with. Some that don't play the same sport with you, might find you hard to be friends with because of all the friends from your teams. You can be both outgoing and shy at times. You also just love a good laugh! You don't care too much about your looks, as long as you aren't absolutely disgusting! =D

    so rite!!i am the only gal that plays football!!!!i love it (american football not soccer)

    hip hop
  • Sporty, sweet i love sports especially sk8te boarding, snowboarding, SOCCER, TRACK, and my favorite, VOLLYBALL!!!!!

  • popular(:

  • you are so rite

    emo nina
  • outgoing...so me! ahahaha! people find me odd...lol thats so true thats funny

  • Shy :o

  • Popular, followed by Sporty, then Shy, then Outgoing were my results. Ummm, I'm not sporty. I mean, I do some yoga, a little Tai Chi, stuff like that. But Popular was fairly accurate. The only people who don't like me are either haters or they just don't know me! LoL

  • Your Result: Shy

    You're shy with new people and/or people you don't know very well. Once people get to know you, they can't get enough of you! You're VERY loyal to your friends and you like having only a few friends. Atleast your friends are REALLY CLOSE friends! =P Some people think you're awkward to be around, and

  • this is wrong i am not sporty.

  • shy? i am NOT shy. i should've gotten sporty, since that's what i think about most. what the hell is up with shy????? and there weren't enough answers for the questions (like for the sports: there was gymsatics, swimming/ scubs diving, no sports, or some other thing that was like whatever or all sports or something. what if none of these fit you???)

    so not accurate!

  • popular

    cute no hot
  • I'm outgoing..

  • popular

    rawr_im a dino
  • was was that with the dessert question? none of those are desserts...

  • Your Result: Sporty

    You just LOVE sports! Sports are like your life! :P You get really close to those that you participate in sports with. Some that don't play the same sport with you, might find you hard to be friends with because of all the friends from your teams. You can be both outgoing and shy at times. You also just love a good laugh! You don't care too much about your looks, as long as you aren't absolutely disgusting! =D

    so trueee!!! :DDD sweet quiz d-b (two thumbs up)

    Puppy xo1
  • Your Result: Outgoing

    You're outgoing and love thrills and surprises! People love you for your daring personality! You're not afraid to do anything! (or almost anything! XD lol) Those not so outgoing may not like to be around you because you guys are drastically different, but others may love the thrill you have! You have really close friends and a few not-so-close friends. Some may find you slightly odd because of what you're willing to do. You're willing to do anything to make your friends happy :)

    ---yupppp.... i dont fit in at all. im so different then others.

    Too me

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