whats your music

The primary source of data for this study will be submissions from readers of this web page. Obviously, this may not be a completely random sampling, but since the primary objective of the study is to map the regional distribution and not the population distribution per response, this sample should suffice. Also, since a large percentage of internet users are college students who may use dialects not local to their current place of residence, this survey asks for the respondent's "home town" and the beverage-term used by most of the population there. This data will be imperfect at best, but should be the most accurate possible without actually going into the field, and certainly the most comprehensive study of the field to date

Name and email address are optional. Hometown and state/province are also optional, but strongly encouraged. However, a valid zip or postal code is critical, because our software uses a database of zip codes and their latitudes and longitudes to plot the data on the map. Responses without a zip code will still be useful in the future, but may not currently be displayed on the map. Responses from outside the United States and Canada are also welcome, although they too currently cannot be displayed

Created by: bella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your faveret
  2. whats your faveret
  3. whats your faveret
  4. did you realise i said a name insted of a song last tome
  5. is this boring
  6. did you realise i didn't ley you say yes
  7. 1234567890
  8. 0987654321
  9. zxcvbnm
  10. qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhujmikolp

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Quiz topic: Whats my music