What's Your Cutie Mark?

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This quiz will show you what pony you would be if you were a pony! I hope you get a cutie mark you love and adore! The pony that pops up is the one closest to you personality!

I don't watch my little pony or any pony shows (Except for Mystic) so I don't know why I made this! Put in the comments who you are and tell me if you liked this!

Created by: Kitty100
  1. Do you watch My little Pony?
  2. How big is your social group?
  3. What your Fav?
  4. What are you most?
  5. Guess what question this is.
  6. What colour hair do you want out of...
  7. Are you popular?
  8. FART... Hey! My fart interrupted me.
  9. Do you want this over... Now?
  10. Well it is over... Now!

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Quiz topic: What's my Cutie Mark?
