Whats your call sign? (For girls)

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What’s your call sign? Find out with my awesome quiz! The results are limited but still pretty wide spread. Have you seen the top gun movies? I have seen both and I might have a crush on young Tom Cruise… LOL!

You must be taking this because it’s popular aren’t you? We’ll I don’t blame the girls of the world. This is a great quiz. I don’t mean to brag or anything but you should get on with it and tell me how I did. I can be reached as GinnyWeasley12, GinnyWeasley13, GinnyWeasley14, GWLOVER, and others!

Created by: GinnyWeasley12
  1. Girl or boy?
  2. These next questions are what would you do in these experiences. Ok?
  3. Your in a plane with your partner, Icebreaker, who is in charge of guns. She tells you to maneuver around an enemy aircraft so she can get at him. You do it but another plane sneaks behind you and you notice. What do you do?
  4. Your maneuver did not work and you get shot out of the sky. You and your partner are frantically messing with the controls to find a way out. Icebreaker pulls the eject and you go flying out of the plane. Your parachute activates as you watch your plane go down with Icebreaker bleeding in the cockpit. You steer your parachute towards the plane and her body but the wind is pushing you away. What do you do?
  5. What would you prefer your call sign to be?
  6. What’s one of your specific skills?
  7. Who are you in your friend group?
  8. What word describes you the most?
  9. What is your language type? (I am imagining your all English)
  10. Did you like this quiz?
  11. Love you all!

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Quiz topic: Whats my call sign? (For girls)
