Whats your aesthetic?

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What’s your aesthetic? In this quiz, we will find out if you fit into cottagecore, light academia, dark academia or preppy: 4 of the most common aesthetics!

Personally, I’m cottagecore, but I also kinda like preppy and a newer aesthetic called snowdrop! There are hundreds of aesthetics to choose from, but these are just some popular ones you might like!

Created by: Razzberries
  1. Let’s start! Favorite color out of the following?
  2. Favorite beverage out of the following?
  3. Favorite scent out of the following?
  4. Clothing style?
  5. Pick a good quality that describes you
  6. Bad quality about you?
  7. Best hobby out of the following?
  8. Best Music genre out of the following?
  9. Where would you most like to live?
  10. Lastly, pick some emojis

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Quiz topic: Whats my aesthetic?
