Whats up guys just testing

hi guys i’m hungry i just got a centipede put in my nostril and it really really hurts i have to do this much just for something stupid i mean who made this a rule

you feel me right?? i know my boss died i’m hungry i don’t want no covfefe give me jam!! Jam jam jam!! JAMMM! yes sir newport pleasure only #1 yummy yummy

Created by: Naki
  1. what is the root of a
  2. what’s 1000 minus 7
  3. what is your pleasure
  4. how many rubber bands does it take to make into a ball
  5. why is my stomach growling
  6. newport pleasure
  7. 7-10
  8. 993
  9. chimkn tendies
  10. yay dun
  11. yay or nay

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