What if no one died? Percy Jackson edition.

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What if no one died? What if everyone liked someone else? What if these guys didn’t go through all the crap that they did? That all applies here. Find out whose kid you are if everything was different.

There are only eight results in this one. I made them all up for this or future fan fiction books. Whatever. Do you like Percabeth? Too bad! I split them! Mwah hahaha!

  1. Hi. Did you read the opening paragraphs?
  2. Who’s your favorite girl character?
  3. Who’s your favorite boy character?
  4. Are you…
  5. Are you a…
  6. Who do you like?
  7. Would you rather…
  8. Would you rather…
  9. Would you rather….
  10. What’s your individual style?
  11. That’s all for today! Can’t wait to make a sequel!

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