What Yu-Gi-Oh GX character are you?

If you have scored Jaden, Jesse, or Alexis on any other similar quizzes, you are awesome. When you see Jaden spelled Jeden, it was a typo. Sorry for any inconvienence.

BBBBBBBBAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS........ I like randomness. Randomness is awesome, like you for taking this quiz. Zombies are real!

Created by: Jaden
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you see spirits?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. Do you have a girlfriend?
  4. Bat Man, Spider-Man, or Flame Wingman?
  5. How good of a duelist are you?
  6. random question
  7. Do you like Kuriebo?
  8. Best spin-off show?
  9. Make-out sessions?
  10. Lolly Pop, Lolly Pop

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Quiz topic: What Yu-Gi-Oh GX character am I?