what would you do?

this quiz is a joke so do not take any offence to it because this is for one person who i know and it was the place i could find it thanks for understanding thanks

as i said before this test means notning but only as a joke and i put it there as a joke for humor and just remember that people i do discrimonate diferent types of people

Created by: giles
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you do if a piece of fungi got flung on to your cheek eh?
  2. What would you do at your house if someone came in like heinz beens?
  3. what would you buy
  4. your party
  5. mental issue
  6. what religion
  7. what song
  8. what would you do at a boring meeting
  9. what do you do in bed
  10. Name your son

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