what would you be if you were in a band?!?!?!

this quiz should show people what they would be if they were in a band by honest to god answers. so if people were in high school or sum thin and they looked back years from now will now know what they coulds of been if they were to join a local band!!!!!!!

do you have the gumption? do you have what it takes to become a rocker?or do think your to hip hop for rock? take the test to find out who are the real rockers are!!!!!!:)

Created by: danni
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. where do you see yourself in 20 years?
  2. what is your favorite color?
  3. why did you take this test?
  4. what is your favorite drink?
  5. are you in a band at this moment?
  6. who cant you stand out of these people?
  7. are you happy?
  8. do you want to see your results?
  9. how crazy would you say you are?
  10. what does BC rich make?

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