What Wolf Ranking Are You?

There are quite a few different wolf rankings. Every one of them has a fine line between any other. There is the lowest ranking one, the highest ranking one, in between, or even just a loner, with no ranking.

So, do you want to know what you would rank if you were a wolf? Remember, this quiz may not go with how you really feel about this. It may not be accurate. Please do not feel offended by any of your results.

Created by: Bailee
  1. You find a scrap of meat laying in the middle of a field. You...
  2. You see a lone wolf as you are patrolling your pack's border. You...
  3. You see a moose, and you're starved. You...
  4. You see one of your pack members in a fight with another pack member. You...
  5. Which one do you feel is more important?
  6. You have to choose a location for the pack (all in the forest). You choose...
  7. Your pack is eating a moose. You...
  8. Choose one from the below, please.
  9. If you had to choose your mate, it would be...
  10. How are you with the younger ones?
  11. Do you follow the rules?

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Quiz topic: What Wolf Ranking am I?