What will you die from?

Do you want to know how you'll die? What accident you might get yourself into? Then my quiz might help you. It's not like other quizzes. It will help you figure it out! It isn't completely obvious questions where your subconscious will tell you what you want to be. It's poser-proof.

My quiz takes questions you probably wouldn't think would define how you will die and applies it to that very question. You will probably like my quiz. Comment, Please!

Created by: rayne
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite holiday?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. Are you a people person?
  4. Are you graceful?
  5. Are you usually in a bad mood?
  6. What music do you listen to?
  7. I'm sorry, but I can't think of 12 questions!
  8. So far, what do you think of my quiz?
  9. Oh! Good, I thought of another one. What do you think your element is?
  10. This is the last question. Do you think you are generally a likable, friendly person?

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Quiz topic: What will I die from?