what were (are) you considered in high school?1?1?

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this is my first quiz and its just to tell you what did people consider you when you were in school soo good luck and hope you get what think you are.

umm soo i didn't really put much thought into this part so ima just put a bunch of random letters from herefggbgkezgkufgrvywbgxkr trvgwgj fbbgr23r;yfrfg sorry bout that ^^"

Created by: nicoandtheniners
  1. are u ready to start?
  2. okay lets start out with something easy ^^... how would describe your personality?
  3. what would you say your music taste is?
  4. sorry bout this one buuut...what's your favorite color(s)?
  5. wut about your clothing style? o_o
  6. how many friends did (do) you have in school? FUN FACT: i spent the first five moths of my first year of high school by myself ;-;
  7. we're almost done just a few more okay? good. which stereotype bothers you most?
  8. now time for my personal favorite some rp questions yayyy^^ your a sophomore and a new kid has arrived at your school they are a freshman and you see them getting bullied my a junior what do you do?
  9. it's your first day of school you walk in the school how do you feel?
  10. your a freshman and your walking down the hall looking down and you turn a corner and you bump into a senior and you fall down the dude looks like he can break you like a stick. what do you say?
  11. you see your crush standing by themselves at there locker what do they look like? what are they doing? what do you say?(theirs no big effect on your result with this one)
  12. end of rp questions now which one do you think you are?(this will not effect your result)
  13. welp tats all folks, what did you think?

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