what weapon would i get to take down the bad guys?

there are many people who hates bad guys. if you do hate bad guys, guys and girls, take this quiz to find out to see whats your weapon going to be to take down the bad guys. you know you hate bad guys so take this quiz to do so.

do you know what is your weapon? go ahead, take this quiz to find out. your weapons will be a pistol to shoot, a sniper rifle to shoot, a knife to kill people and a car to hit people when there walking on the road. so i hope you like this quiz!

Created by: Take down the bad guys
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you hate bad guys?
  2. what kind of weapon result do you want?
  3. did any of your family members die?
  4. do you like cake?
  5. whats your favorite game place to go?
  6. are you a guy or a girl?
  7. how old are you?
  8. how many times did you went on this site?
  9. do you watch horror movies?
  10. where do you like to play?

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