What Waverly Place wizard are you ?

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This whole thing is my first ever quiz. I badly want you to see it couz there IS a suprise in there some will like it some won't. Welcome to WAVERLY PLACE.

Do you love WAVERLY PLACE ? Yes well the this quiz is just for you. Do you want to find out what character you are ? seriously you need to see this quiz. \it was meant for WAVERLY PLACE LUVERS!!!

Created by: Ilonka
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do in your spare time?
  2. Favourtie Food ???
  3. If you could have one wish, what would it be ?
  4. Favourite Character in the series ?
  5. What is Alex's real name ?
  6. What letter does your name start with?
  7. Are you enjoying this quiz?
  8. What Character do you think you will be ???
  9. Could you please visit this website: rafiracing.tk it's my bro's and this means a lot to me. PLEASE
  10. This is the last Question. How many BF's did you have ?

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Quiz topic: What Waverly Place wizard am I ?