What warrior cat clan is your pet cat in?

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Created by: Stormheart
  1. When youre cat goes hunting wht does he/she useually bring back?
  2. What word bests discribes your cat?
  3. When your cat wants a drink, where does he/she get it?
  4. What is bad about your cat?
  5. When your cat "stalks" toys how does she do it?
  6. When you picked your cat from the litter, what would she be doing?
  7. When your cat wants to sleep where does he/she?
  8. What color fur is your cat?
  9. Does your cat like other cats?
  10. In your cats free time, what does he/she do?

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat clan is my pet cat in? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Clans Quiz category.