What type of weather are you?

What kind of weather would you be? You could be light rain, rainstorm, sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy/windy, light snow, snowstorm. Oh wait. Sorry man. Spoiler alert.

Have fun taking dis quiz. I absolutely love rain, and may have rigged the rain questions to fit my personality... Just kidding, haha. There are a few that don't fit. :) :)

Created by: Sauron
  1. Well, first off, what kind of weather do you absolutely adore?
  2. Now, which type of weather can you not stand?
  3. Which garment do you own the most of?
  4. Which would you like to wear all the time?
  5. Which of these places is your dream home at?
  6. How would your best friend describe you?
  7. How would your parents describe you?
  8. What is your favorite season?
  9. What sports do you like?
  10. When it rains, what do you do?
  11. Have any hobbies?
  12. Okay. I can't think of any more questions.

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Quiz topic: What type of weather am I?
