what type of waffle are you?

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This is the only quiz that will tell you which kind of waffle you are. In order to take this quiz you must be very in touch with who you are in terms of other ridiculous quizzes.

Are you a Belgian waffle? Maybe some other type? Only one way to fins out! Take this quiz then look upon your life in despair! You have but one option.

Created by: modioperandus
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How leavened are you?
  2. Which salad are you?
  3. What gourd are you?
  4. What Scooby do character are you?
  5. Which restaurant are you?
  6. Which game console are you?
  7. Which Supreme Court Justice are you?
  8. Which House of Pokemon are you?
  9. Which Dorito flavor are you
  10. Which Award are you?

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Quiz topic: What type of waffle am I?