7 Mins In Heaven I like fried chicken

I, CaptainBob, have decked to make a 7Mins in heaven quiz! But trust me, it's like no other quiz you've ever taken. Except maybe my other quizzes. But

we're not here to talk about my other quizzes we're here to talk about: WAFFLES!!!!!!! Waffles rock! Waffles rock! My favorite waffle is a waffle! Bob

Created by: CaptainBob likes Waffles

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Time to play 7 mins in heaven!
  2. But you'll be surprised.
  3. This quiz is short.
  4. And only like 2 questions actually count.
  5. So are you happy?
  6. Ok the dude who keeps saying "I like waffles I hope I get waffles!" really needs to shut up for the next 2 questions and I'll give you candy!
  7. Pick a letter
  8. Pick a number
  9. Ok waffle dude you can keep saying your thing. I'm done.
  10. PS: I lied about the candy.

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