What type of unicorn are you??

Have you wondered what type of unicorn you are find out in this little quiz 4 question to answer. All show personalty! !;$/&@-","&/$/!:!:,)$:9@/"/&/'!?):&@"/&$!:?,?:()/

I know that was werid i dont like typing to much anyway.. Unicorns are life! You can finally say im a unicorn i love unicorns. Im not wengie but go subscribe to her channel she is all about unicorns!!

Created by: Unicorn4life
  1. What food?
  2. Money friends spy ehh
  3. Loner friends
  4. Favortie ice cream??
  5. Do you like unicorns
  6. BOY or GIRL
  7. Do you love humans?
  8. Whats your favorite color?
  9. Unicorns or dragons
  10. Fly or teleport?

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Quiz topic: What type of unicorn am I??

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