What type of person are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What type of person are you?

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  • I got goody two shoes and that's darn accurate! (Notice I said darn rather than another word I could have said.) If you hate me, well, let me think, I don't care. I believe that doing the right thing makes YOU a better person, so you can hate me, but when you end up in jail for doing crime, and I win the Noble Peace Prize, we'll see who's laughing.

    And it's the RIGHT thing to do to stand up for what I believe in.

  • Your Result: Jackass

    You are a proud Jackass! (I am one of these) You live to piss people off whenever you can. Whenever someone pisses YOU off, someone would end up hurt. You get along well with other jackasses and party people. You love making fun of people and don't give two-s---s about that "Karma" crap.


    Puppy xo1

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