What Type of Person Are You?

Holy s---. Here it goes again. The big-ass test you never ever seen before in your damn life. Let's decide where you stand on this damn thing and get it over with.

This crap decides whether or you are normal, part of a subculture, a moderate loner, or a true loner. So, strap your seatbelts and get this god-damn thing over with.

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Are you social?
  2. Do you have any interests worth mentioning.
  3. What do you prefer to talk about?
  4. What do you think of mainstream trends in pop culture?
  5. How do you feel?
  6. What do you like doing most?
  7. Do you care about politics or philosophy?
  8. Do you feel paranoid or melancholy?
  9. Do you feel good with your life?
  10. What emotion do you feel too often?
  11. Does anything matter?
  12. Do you hate you hate yourself?
  13. What are you feeling?
  14. Are you feeling good that this quiz is over?
  15. One last question: Is the Internet good?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Person am I?
