what type of parrot are you

there are many types of parrot specie's do you wanna know what type you are come on up and play this quiz this will tell you what type you are I hope you like it

there are many types of parrot specie's do you wanna know what type you are come on up and play this quiz this will tell you what type you are I hope you like it

Created by: mayazsummz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you were a parrot you would rather eat,
  2. imagine you were a parrot would you want to have a big beek?
  3. are you kind sweet and caring
  4. if you were a parrot would you love to fly
  5. this question is timed quick pick one!!!!!
  6. just kidding about the last one it wasn't timed! so would you like to be a parrot who could talk or mimic or just squeak
  7. so next, do you bite people
  8. are you curious and taste everything
  9. if you were a parrot would you like to be a colorful one?
  10. last question true or false?
  11. did you like this quiz (no effect)

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Quiz topic: What type of parrot am I