What type of force user are you?

I love Star Wars, and I love the force! It is such an amazing thing to put in Star Wars! Everyone that can use the force uses it for different purposes, like bringing balance or spreading terror.

Anyway, I created this quiz so I and other people can see what type of force user we really are, whether we are Jedi or Sith Lords! I hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Luke
  1. Emperor Palpatine wants to build a Death Star to destroy planets. What do you do?
  2. Would you use the force for your own gain?
  3. Do you believe in violence and weapons?
  4. War broke out between the Republic and the Separatists. Which side would you be on?
  5. What color would you want for your lightsaber?
  6. Would you want to live forever?
  7. What planet would you want to live on?
  8. What force user do you want to be?
  9. If the Jedi Council refused to make you a master even though you are the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy, would you be angry about it?
  10. What Star Wars character would you want to be?

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Quiz topic: What type of force user am I?
