What Type of Fae are you?

What type of fae are you? Are you curious? Are you bored? Did your friend tell you to take this? Did you click the wrong link? Well, there is no judgement here, so don't fret.

Are you a banshee? An elf? A mermaid? A pixie? Please, take this quiz to find out. I don't care if you don't comment or rate, i just want you to enjoy yourself.

Created by: MelMelmomo
  1. Favorite color?
  2. Favorite Element?
  3. Favorite animal?
  4. Favorite food?
  5. Favorite Tree?
  6. Favorite Movie Genre?
  7. Thanks for taking my quiz!! What did you think?
  8. Rate?
  9. Comment?
  10. Bye!!!

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Quiz topic: What Type of Fae am I?