What type of mermaid are you?

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There are more than one type of mermaid. Which are YOU?! I'm curious.

What type of mermaid are YOU?! Are you and your friend the same kind?

Created by: Mermaid Girl
  1. What kind of tail do you have?
  2. What's your power?
  3. What is your kind of vacation?
  4. What is your Mer-Job?
  5. What's your favorite sea animal?
  6. Favorite thing of the world's waters?
  7. Favorite fish type?
  8. More fish than you can shake a stick at. . .
  9. Are you exited to get your results?
  10. Have you read the WaterFire Saga? (Doesn't effect results)

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Quiz topic: What type of mermaid am I?