What Type Of Driver Are You?

We've all done it. Stereotyped somebody's ability to drive based on things they can't control. Drive too slow? Too fast? Just thankful to still be able to see the road? Wondering where you were going and why you were going there?

Now's your chance to find out which driver stereotype you are! Thanks to this great quiz, you'll finally be able to know what others think while trapped on the freeway, byways, and surface streets!

Created by: Marjorie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a yellow light up ahead. You...
  2. Uh-oh... Sirens are flashing and you're being pulled over you...
  3. You have the green light but so does a pedestrian who wants to cross the street. You...
  4. You're driving near the Santa Monica Pier. You...
  5. You need to buy a new car because...
  6. When driving in the rain it is important to...
  7. If there is a child traveling with you, it is important to...
  8. The white plastic lane dividers...
  9. The last time you got a ticket it was for...
  10. There's a mattress in the road, you...
  11. The interior of your car...
  12. Eating fast food in your car...

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Driver am I?