What type of corner time do you deserve?

Are you a parent about to give your child a good old-fashioned corner time? Do you only think there is one type of corner time, the standing up one? Or are you a child forced to take the quiz to determine your punishment?

Want to know what corner time you deserve, whether it's mild, medium or harsh? Curious to know what happens in preach result? Take this quiz to find out and get punished!

Created by: the corner timer
  1. What did you do to get a corner time?
  2. And why did you do that?
  3. How many times did you do that the past month?
  4. Where will you be corner timed?
  5. How will you be corner timed?
  6. When are you usually corner timed?
  7. Who usually corner times you?
  8. What position are you usually in during corner times?
  9. How many times did you get corner timed this week?
  10. Are you ready for the results?

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Quiz topic: What type of corner time do I deserve?

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