What type of celeb are YOU????

There are a lot of different types of celebs but many dont know what type they are. Take this quiz and see what type you are.

What type of celeb are YOU? Find out right now. Your answer may be way different from what you think. Now YOU can find out what type of celeb you are. What are you waiting for? GO!

Created by: NO NAME PERSON
  1. You are on Oprah. Oprah says this, "Have you ever slapped anyone on TV?"
  2. You are going to a photo shoot. and you ware...
  3. Choose a color.
  4. A little girl wants you to sign her note pad, you...
  5. Witch dog are you most likely to have with you?
  6. Pick a word
  7. Pick an element
  8. Your hair is...
  9. pick a letter
  10. Rate this

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Quiz topic: What type of celeb am I????