What type of Authoritarian are you?

Authoritarianism is part of the ideological core of many ideologies. They usually support -abolition of Democracy especially liberal democracy -control of information -strong government -socialism

What variant of Authoritarianism are you? Are you a Far-Left Trotskyist, Big business Authoritarian Capitalist or a Racist Hitlerite National Socialist.

Created by: Sure_Bed
  1. My economy would be a
  2. Philosophically I’m a
  3. I want a
  4. On foreign policy im a
  5. On homosexual issues i support (legally not morally)
  6. On abortion I am
  7. I support Autarky
  8. My country should fund foreign political groups with like minded politics with me
  9. I believe in a higher power
  10. I am a Socialist (Common ownership and control over the economy)

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Quiz topic: What type of Authoritarian am I?