What type of a stampy fan are you?

This quiz will tell you how big of a fan you are to stampylongnose...... From never seen to biggest fan in the world come and have a try it will be fun.

Are you a number 1 fan? Maybe, maybe not. Ohlala I am being a bit mysterious, he he he he! Please do the quiz plz plz plz plz plz plz pleeeeeeeeeeeese

Created by: AppleFizz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is Stampy's fav food
  2. What is Stampy's real life name
  3. Where does stampy do his recording?
  4. What is stampy's cat's name
  5. Does stampy have an egg farm
  6. What is stampy style
  7. Where does Gregory Jr. Live
  8. These don't make a difference, I'm stuck for ideas
  9. Lol
  10. Apple fizz

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Quiz topic: What type of a stampy fan am I?